heating and ventilation

Home Owner Tips: HVAC Systems

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Danielle Freese - StarPointe Realty

Hey guys!! Hope all is going well with all of this crazy weather that we are getting in Texas right now. This post is going to be a little different than the rest, but might become a regular post topic. I believe it is part of my job to keep y’all informed and educate y’all on topics that deal with home ownership and how to take care of and maintain your home.

Today’s topic is going to be on your HVAC System. If you don’t know what a HVAC System is, it is your a/c and heating system. How many of you knew that you should have it professionally cleaned and inspected once a year? I sure didn’t until today. Why is this an important maintenance practice? For starters, if you get into the practice of having it cleaned once a year, the unit will last for a lot longer…

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